That big Christmas Tree

Christmas is soooooooo near :D though its not that festive here in Malaysia, I am still having that christmas-y feeling when I see christmas lights and all the decorations. They put Christmas tree inside the hotel, a big one at the center of the lobby.  Though the decorations in it aren't that grand, I still appreciate the effort of putting up the big tree over there, somehow. hahaha :D

We've been taking photos of everything in the hotel but I never had the chance to blog here. Anyway, here are some photos we had last night when we got nothing to do but to play and roam around the lobby (photos grabbed from friends).

The wacky poses. LOL at my face! hahaha

oh db? nakatag iya mi sa lobby.. akala singers? ahahaha

Off day ugma, pero duty japon. 
Good night! :*


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