Cat Eye

Have you ever felt like you're too lazy to do something and then all of a sudden you feel that urge to finally do that thing yet when you're on the verge of doing it you suddenly loose all that will to do it. Makes sense? Another thing, that feeling when you're too tired and then you suddenly wake up remembering that you have an appointment with someone and then just right before you greet happily, you suddenly read strange messages as if you've done something BIG. ?? urrgghhh.

Anyway, looking at the bright side... Don't you just love this? I bought this yesterday at First Avenue with my co-ojts. I had a lot of choices but since this one was all alone and I'm not sure if I can find this one elsewhere, I bought it. Its out of the norm and I know not all people can appreciate this but com'on, we're free to wear anything when it comes to fashion. Charoot, as if. LOL. I may not use this one ever but at least I have this on me if in case I feel like using this.. at home? bwahahaha! okay. 

Good night! :*


  1. I feel you. But we just have to move on and look at the brighter side.
    And this cute-sy cat-eye sunglasses, like it sooo much.
    Hope to see a photo of you wearing those cute-sy frames soon.

    By the way, check out my blog post about Ray-Ban. And please leave a comment. Hee Thank you sooo much :)

    Open Book

  2. Any updates about my prize? Its been 2months na. :/


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