Our Day 1 in Disneyland (read here) was very fun but exhausting from walking all day from 10am to 8pm. My feet sore even more on our Day 2 in Ocean Park. All I wanted was to rest and sleep right after we got home. But beyond the sore muscles and tiredness, the experience was all worth it!
While I found calmness and peace watching animals and sea creatures, I found thrill and excitement I never imagined I'd experience.

Everyone said that Ocean Park is not a place for the faint-hearted. And I immediately knew why once we rode the cable car going to the main island where all the attractions were located. I swear I thought I'd chicken out, back out, and just sit around while watching them try the extreme rides. I honestly thought I was only wasting my money going there when I can't ride everything unlike what we did in Disneyland on our first day (check out my Disneyland Experience here)

We've tried almost all the attractions and rides. If Ocean Park didn't close, we could have ridden all of them. At first, it was nerve-wracking but just after conquering the first ride, the rest was already a tiny bit easier and I kept wanting more :)
How I wished I had more photos to share. We were busy laughing and experiencing everything Ocean Park has to offer. It was something I could never forget. One tip tho, if you are looking for fun and thrill then Ocean Park is for you. However, if you are faint-hearted and trying extreme rides fears you, then save your bucks and spend them elsewhere :)
That's it for now. See you on my next Hong Kong Travel post!
Have a great day! :)
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