
Hi lovelies! :) I don't know about you but I love my room in white! I find it very polished and classy. I can put a lot with white canvas! I'm thinking maybe I can combine it with some teal details and maybe some yellows? :) Anyway, I've been watching a lot of lifestyle Youtube Gurus like the dearest Bethany Mota and her gang! and its where I found a lot of room inspirations!

Accessory Organizer

Lovely Decors

Work Desk

Side Table

Gallery Wall

This is definitely one of my bucket list for this year. To decorate our room the way I want! I share the room with my sister but I know she trusts me when it comes to this things so I'm the boss. tehee! This is by the way an overdue post as I honestly thought that I've already published this. Good thing I reviewed my posts and saw this one still on draft. Anyways, how's your first week of 2015 going? :)

*credits to photo owners


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