Christmas is truly in the air! :) haaaaaaaaay.... Christmas is coming nearer and nearer but I still do not have any idea of what to give to him, to my friends and to my family. One thing for sure, I'm gonna cook something special for this holiday season :)
So yesterday was the start of MSU-IIT Paskuhan. Caroling contest was held but the judging on college entries for Christmas Celebration in Countries was postponed due to weather conditions. The contest yesterday turned out really good and fun! Participants showcased their talents in both singing and dancing. How I wish I was also there (char) haha. The fireworks were supposedly yesterday but it was raining so it was cancelled. Around 6 pm tonight, just a few minutes right after I woke up from a cute nap :D (naks. haha ) I heard the sound of the fireworks but I was not able to see it with my bare eyes. I looked really haggard coming from a sleep and so I cannot easily go out and see how beautiful the fireworks were.
So as I've said, I was absent today on our first subject and I do not like it. I hate being absent in classes. Aside from missing quizzes and attendance, I do not like how people got confuse on the reason of my absence. On the other side, by this you would really know the people who really see and notice your existence.
Moving on. Christmas is truly in the air in MSU-IIT. Lanterns were hanged up in the hallway. They were made up of recycled materials which is the best part of it. Reusing good materials to make a better product. There were some which are not really good compared to others but then overall they were all amazing! Pictures below were stolen for I was walking in the hallway and there were people following. Please bear with the quality of the photos.

Near the ATM booth were the Colleges' Entries for the contest. There were Colleges and Offices representing countries like Mexico, America, Africa, Italy, China, Scotland, etc. Among all, what I like the most was the one representing China. It really looked like in China although there were only a few Christmas decorations on it. There was also a mimic of the Eiffel Tower which was quite good :) Christmas in America was also cute, there was a snowman standing and there were snow like things on the ground that made it looked like white Christmas. How I wish I could really touch true snow with my bare hands... Hopefully :) The entries were made of recyclable materials same with the lanterns. Some of the entries are as follows.
(: So I think this is it. Classes tomorrow! Good Night everyone! Have a good night! :)
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