It's our quarterly convention once again. Had the chance to fly over to the capital and attend the Usana Grand Hooray for this year. Blessed and very privileged to see Mr. Francis Kong in person and hear him talk. I learned a lot from him and from all the speaker on the event. I would never get bored listening to their success stories over and over again. It keeps me inspired and motivated enough to also reach for my goals. They made me realize that if they made it, I can too.
Did not took a lot of photos this time though. But here are some shots during my week in Manila.

Our sabog faces after the convention. Everybody were hyped and motivated to conquer our dreams!

Meeting after meeting / dinner after the OneX8 party. This was the previous night before the convention by the way. Both the events were held at the SM MOA area.

Also had the chance to try solving Mystery Manila. There were five of us but we failed to solve the case of Rebecca. It was a fun try. Definitely would love to try the zombie themed one next time!

I had a lot of fun. I learned and experienced a lot of firsts during this trip. We were also able to squeeze some time and visited Splash Island in Laguna (read here). Definitely coming back again next year!
Happy every day!!!!!
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