So this is another of my back to school posts. This time, I'll be giving you some tips on how to dress up for school. For some of you, for sure you don't need my tips and perhaps you're thinking "who in the world doesn't know how to dress up for school". I get you, alright. But here's the thing, I experienced the hard time of looking for outfits for school and I know there are still a lot out there who needs help with this matter. So here it goes.
Stick with the Dress Code
If you have uniforms, then you're lucky! because you won't experience the hardship of looking for cute outfits! As for me, I had uniforms but I only get to wear them on several days so I still have days where I have to brainstorm my outfit. Depending on your school, first you have to consider the dress code. You don't wanna be walking confidently just to be reprimanded by school guards. So my first advice would really be to stick with the dress code.
You'll never be able to really listen and absorb all the information in class when you feel uncomfortable with what you're wearing. And when I say comfortable, it doesn't only mean the fit but of course the look. So I suggest dress up yourself and be you. Do not just follow the trend, make it yours. Check my Back to School Outfit Ideas for some cool outfits that might inspire and help you.
For me, it is a plus point to look smart. Not smart as in genius but you know, formal and proper. And I think Professors would most likely agree with me on this. Not only will it make you look presentable but also prepare you for your future career in life.
And if you can tell, I wear jeans or leggings all the time. Not because we are not allowed to but I don't feel like wearing skirts knowing how hassle our public transportation is. But anyway, I was thinking to host giveaway. What do you think? let me know in the comment section below what prized you want to win! <3
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