Wow! It's been a year full of surprises and blessings. Thank you God for a great 2014 and for giving me another great year(for sure) to spend with a bunch of amazing people that I love. I claim that this is my year! that I will be successful with whatever my goals are and that I can be a blessing to everybody.
I can't imagine spending the Holidays without our 20+yr old messy Christmas tree! It's even older than me. We prepared few dishes for the night as a tradition, and that means the 12 kinds of fruits (circle shaped) and all other fengsui related things.

I will make a separate post for my New Year Ootd :)
The dress up was actually unplanned. Actually the picture taking was taken a few minutes before the clock stroked 12. It was such a in-a-hurry moment not having someone to take the photo or even a tripod to use. Nevertheless, we still managed.

It's a brand new year. Another 365 days to fulfill. Remember that when time pass, it will never be back. So let's make the most out of every minute that goes by. And as the new year starts, let's forget all the sad and hurtful memories of last year, instead we should move forward and look beyond the great things that awaits us. Happy New Year lovelies! :)
I'll announce the giveaway by my next post! Thank to everyone who joined!
Like I see you had a great time. I wish you all the best in 2015. xa
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