
You know what, I missed my heartfelt posts. I used to just blog about anything, just random stuff that comes through my mind. And I just realized that I completely lost the one reason I started blogging - having an online diary. 

I've been through ups and downs and with all those phases of my life, this blog tells it all. Maybe, I don't express everything in my life here deeply, but I think I've written all those major events ; college years, my on the job training, my Malaysia journey, my graduation, my first job and a lot more. 
Thank you so much guys for being with me in almost 4 years. Yes! I've been blogging for almost 4 years! it's completely insane! I can't believe it's been so long. I feel like it was just yesterday. I didn't realized how much I've grown and how much this blog has evolved. Way back, I didn't have any idea of how to start a blog, how style blogging is done, how to tweak things up and here I am now, editing and lay outing my blog. It opened me a lot of opportunities that I know I couldn't have done if I didn't started my first blog post.

Blogging completely changed my life. It broke the wall I have always set to myself and to others. It made me confident and bolder with myself. It introduced and inspired me to a whole new different world of style, fashion, make up, DIY and a lot more! 
For those reading this, I know you might be thinking maybe it's my blog's anniversary or if I'm gonna stop blogging but honestly I just missed ranting out everything I feel.  I know I sound cliche and all but just please bear with me, I hardly write this kind of blog posts lol 


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