- 8 Weeks
- 8 Lucky Winners
- 1 Winner announced every week
The more points you earn by completing the specific tasks will give you more chances in winning! 1 Lucky Winner will be picked every Tuesday. 8 Winners will be announced. This contest is open for all International customers & fans! So have fun and may Lady Luck shines upon you.
Week 1 (7th August) - You could be the winner!
Week 2 (14th August) - You could be the winner!
Week 3 (21st August) - You could be the winner!
Week 4 (28th August) - You could be the winner!
Week 5 (4th September) - You could be the winner!
Week 6 (11th September) - You could be the winner!
Week 7 (18th September) - You could be the winner!
Week 8 (25th September) - You could be the winner!
Join Mont Affair's Dress Giveaway in this link:
Feel free to leave your comments! :)
Do not forget to include your blog url so I can visit yours as well.