Thrift finds

I'm no expert when it comes to mix and matching fashion items and I'm obviously not claiming to be fashionable. In ordinary days, I wear the casual shirt and pants with sneakers or any flat shoes or sometimes whenever I have time I try to wear something else other than that. You may be laughing at me this time but believe me I am doing this for some great reason. I hope I would be able to achieve my goal here.. :D

Yes, they're all thrifted! From head to foot.
I'm open to any suggestions or anything.. :D Please do hype! Thanks!


  1. great buys! :)
    love the polo and bag :)

  2. where did you do your "thrifting"?

  3. I wouldn't change a thing :) You look lovely :) I love head to toe thrift finds outfits! It just proves that you don't need to spend a lot in order to look good.. You just need good taste and a good sense of style :)

    Kisses! xxx

  4. Like you bag,. =)

  5. Great blog dear.. love the music too =)) definitely a thumbs up for your thrift finds. Thanks for visiting and following my blog.. followed you back =)


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